
About the conversations/ Sobre las conversaciones

Recently I've been asked about the "Conversaciones" posted earlier on, and people have commented on their ingenuity. I'm afraid to say, the conversations are real, they're snippets from my walks on the sidewalk, and when I least expect it.

They will be a part of this blog, in fact, they might even be the start of something bigger. They are pieces of dialogue no one wanted to hear, others that needed to be heard; some may even be stupid.

Thanks for tuning in.


In case you were wondering... (Nota Aclaratoria)

In case you were wondering the whereabouts/common mishaps/(others) about the author of this page and why in (deity)'s green earth is there such a mess/lack of continuity and coherence...here's a couple of reasons. And I'm doing this to be quite nice.

1. I started this blog with the idea that I'd be forcing myself to write every so often, starting with my revised junk. That proved to be a failure, since work at that time at a restaurant and school and a small depressive episode interfered.

2. With summer cruising by and my newly acquired freedom from quitting the restaurant, I decided to put my $300 dollar investion to good use and take pictures, with the one-day class given by a good friend. I then decided to create a "photo-journal", thanks to the influence of most friends. Though not very professional, and I know i should just stop at trying to justify my own work, I tried my best to deliver something at least bi-weekly and add some text to it.

3. With a new job in the wireless communications world (sorry, no link here), and forced-by-myself summer classes, creativity reached a hiatus. That, and, well, I was trying to plant/water/fertilize/debug the seeds of something that as I speak is bigger than me and which I cannot fully describe. In any possible language.

4. And the camera stopped working. So, with no ability to record my "(miss)adventures", I was in a real jam. A real effin jam. I was left with going back to the original idea, stuff i can come up with when I have the time.
So, in the meantime, I leave you with the security that this blog will not die. You may read something from time to time (but don't hold your breath for weekly updates) even though (like my current situation) I may not have a direction/exact focus for it. When I do, you will hear triumphant French horns, the sky will be lit yellow and fair-skinned angels will go "Ahhhhh".

Suggestions are appreciated.


Conversación 2: Calle Robles, frente a Libreria Cristiana. Rio Piedras, PR

“Oye y Piquito, ¿No has sabido más ná d’ese cabrón?”

“Ese hijueputa sigue jodiéndome chico”

“¿Sigue jodiendo?

“Sigue jodiendo, el parece que no aprende maricón. La semana pasá le jalté un tubo encima, le rajé la cabeza, ya esa es la segunda vez y me sigue jodiendo mano”

“Ah no, pues si sigue así”

“Yo voy a tener que matarlo, voy a tener que matar a ese hijueputa, en serio, no hay más na, no aprende el cabrón, yo deja ver si lo busco mañana y lo jalto a tiro”

“Pues, mira ver”