
Sofia, Noam and the Caribbean Sea-Lice.

So I didn't go to Culebra alter all. After I decided to stay home, I was invited to the beach at night. It’s sort of overwhelming to have this enormous body of water in front of you, to feel it move you around, but not see it, not even see where it ends... to see nothing at all can at times be scary, but liberating as well.

...unless of course you get bitten by mysterious black Caribbean Sea-Lice.

And after some massages, playing six degrees of separation, and total exhaustion, you realize it’s best to just sit back and look at your friends’ faces timelessly, and just randomly ask each other questions, about whatever, it doesn’t really matter cause in the end you know no one’s judging.

I’ve been needing something like this for a very long time.

Fotografia por J.A. Monge

1 comentario:

Xavier Valcárcel dijo...

mi favorita es la del centro.